
The idea of finding a great tasting coffee made its creator, Dr. Santos Garcia, reflect on which would be the right coffee to fulfill these expectations, so that each person who got to taste the coffee said that such coffee was the best flavor of coffee they’ve had. Dr. Santos was on vacation at his brother’s house, and was delighted by the coffee he had there every morning. His brother then told him it was Colombian coffee. Dr. Santos then decided to dive in and investigate what could make the coffee be so captivating in flavor, texture and exquisiteness. During this research, Doctor Santos found a coffee that met all these standards due, in great part, to its place of origin. He found a coffee from the mountains of Quindío, Colombia, and made it his mission to bring to your table, one of the World’s best coffees.

Origin of Coffee

The origin of our coffee is divided and differentiated according to its region. In Colombia, regions differ greatly by several factors of climatization and altitude of the land. The combination of these and other factors, make the great flavor of our coffee.

Properties of Coffee

Every day there is more and more evidence that consumption of one and up to four cups of coffee per day leads to a wide variety of health benefits.
Researchers in the medical sector have discovered numerous reasons why coffee can be recommended. Most of them derive from the fact that coffee is one of the largest sources of antioxidants. Coffee contains an abundance of bioactive compounds that promote good health. It has also been shown that these compounds can improve the intestinal microfiber that contains healthy bacteria. Healthy bacteria promotes digestion and strengthens immunity, which in turn reduces oxidative stress. This also contributes to enhanced bodily functions such as reducing fatigue, memory loss, headaches and sensitivity to noise, among many other health benefits.